Norwegian Models for Solving Conflicts and Seeking Jobs as Migrants in Norway

Seminar at Competence Center for Immigrants

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Organised byLitteraturhuset

The Competence Center for Immigrants (CCI, ) has been developed since 2010 by Chinese Professionals in Norway (CPN), with the financial support from The Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi). The aim of the center is to offer practical information and contact opportunities to the new immigrants and help them quickly adapt to the work and Norwegian society. The main target group of CCI is new labor migrants and their family members.

16.30-17.00 Food and Networking
17.00-17.10 Introduction to CCI and CPN, Dr. Xiuhua Zhang, Vice-president CPN
17.10-18.00 Norwegian Models for Solving Conflicts based on Law of Working Environment, Mr. Øyvind Rongevær, Research Manager in the Collective Bargaining and Health and Safety Department, LO
18.00-18.50 Seeking Jobs via NAV, Mr. Joaquim.N. Damiao, Senior Adviser, NAV

The seminar is free of charge. Due to the food reservation, you are required to register you to the seminar here ( Due to the food reservation, please register you within 26th August.

Any questions about seminar can be sent to Email: or call Mr. Tianyu MAI at 95083385.

About CPN
Chinese Professionals in Norway (more info about CPN here (, is a non-profit and non-political immi-grant organization. All of CPN’s registered 600+ members hold at least one higher-education degree (PhD/Master/Bachelor). Members of CPN can be found in any working branch of Norway, giving CPN a unique network of knowledge and contacts.


Nedjma Litteraturhuset Seminar at Competence Center for Immigrants

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